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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

on the lake in the early morning

On the Lake, in the Early Morning

Sitting on the lakefront, there is beauty in the glistening calm water as the early
Morning sun reflects off the lake that casts the rustic shadows, bringing back days
And memories that have long been forgotten

As you sit there looking at the outcroppings of the paper and silver Burch’s outstretched
And hanging low over the water, you hear the soft breeze talking to you through the
Branches of the mighty weeping willows at the waters

As you sit there in the early morning mist that collects as the morning dew, you take in
The fresh morning air and feel renewed by everything around you, yet you can’t get up
Because it would mean leaving the serene tranquility of the moment

As the morning sun rises ever so slightly, waking the animals from their nightly slumber
With the lightening of the early morning shadows, you watch as they come out of their hiding
Spots to take in their first drink of the day from the waters edge all the while watching what is going on around them as they drink

First you see the smaller animals that are quick to hide at the first sign of movement then
You see the larger animals that will sometimes stop and look to see what is going on

As the moment comes to a close with getting up to take in one last look at everything on
The lake you only regret is that the moment had to end, but it allows you to walk away happy for you know that the beauty that you just witnessed will come again at the roughly the
Same time tomorrow

1 comment:

E.G. and staff said...

Enjoyed reading your poems and stories. Thanks


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