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Thursday, June 14, 2007

On the Lake at Dusk

On the Lake at Dusk

On the lake at dusk, with the last fleeting rays of sun light glistening off of the water
You hear the rustling of the small animals in the underbrush trying to find a place to
Lay their heads for their nightly slumber

As you walk to the waters edge to sit down and stare at the water, you hear the soft breeze
Talking to you through the weeping willows at the waters edge telling you the bedtime
Stories and singing you the lullabies you knew as a child, while the paper birch and the silver
Birch who are out stretched over the water cast their dancing shadows in the fleeting
Of the sunlight that they do every evening for the setting sun

As you watch the animals come out from the forest’s edge to the waters edge for their last drink
Before their nightly slumber you watch as they share the same watering hole where hours
Earlier they scurried from each other

With the days warmth slowly fading, in the fleeting light you shutter as you take in
The last few breaths of the day’s warm air as you feel the suns warmth slowly fade
From head to toe in the twilight at dusk

As the gleam from the sun fades from the water you can see the hint of the moons
First light hit the water, trying to stretch across the water to meet the sun’s last rays
And then one by one almost like a choreographed dance, the stars come out in turn dancing
Around in the sky as the days final light fades over the horizon.

As twilight replaces the day’s light, the Breeze takes on the sounds of the night with the hooting
Owls and the chirping crickets as background noises for the bedtime stories and lullabies that now appear to be louder than they had been before as the soft breeze begs to be heard

As the moment ends you rise to your feet, to keep from nodding off from the breeze telling you the
Bedtime stories and singing the lullabies with the musical ensemble of hoots and chirps in the
Background you look around and realize that the only thing that can compare to such a perfect
End to a day is the dawn of a new day on the lake

As you start to walk you take in one last deep breath of the cool night air and say I wish I could stay past this moment on the lake and regret that I have to wait ‘til tomorrow to see this moment again

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