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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Hero's Are

Hero’s are almost never the big budget film hero’s that will
Wait till the last second to intervene

Hero’s are the Firefighters and Police Officers who risk their lives with little fanfare and lots of humility without a second thought for their own safety

Hero’s are the people, especially the children who no matter the adversity are Able to show real courage, strength happiness and love that keeps us going for them Regardless of how bad it gets

Hero’s are the sports figures that we look up to and the sports teams that
We cheer on regardless of whether they win or loose

Hero’s are the family members and the friends that stick by our side throughThick and thin without hesitation or wavering

Hero’s are the strangers on the street who despite their busy schedules stop to give You a hand when you need it, without ever needing to be asked to do so

Hero’s are parents who when their children need them for any reason
At any time are there for them unconditionally regardless of reason

Hero’s are the people who renew our faith in each other and that give us the Strength to keep going even in our darkest hours

Hero’s in the end are the ones who take the time to show that they care even as others Would have them turn a blinds eye to the person in need

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