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Saturday, June 23, 2007

in the late night stillness

In the late night stillness

In the stillness of the late night you can hear the overwhelming quietness that it almost seems like there is something just around the corner waiting to spring out at you
In the darkness you can hear all of the creaky boards in the floor and on the stairs that you normally cannot hear as you go about your day

In the darkness every small noise sounds like it is loud enough to wake the dead and it sounds like it is coming from everywhere yet from nowhere

The darkness gives life to even the smallest of shadows with the slightest hint of filtered light coming through the trees just outside the windows

As the night wares on, the moon makes its nightly appearance and as it peers through each window in turn, it slowly moves slowly across the night sky casting long dancing shadows everywhere

As the moon pierces the darkness the stillness of the nigh is only broken by the rustling of the wind through the trees that gives an air of spookiness to the stillness of the night

As the late night fades into the early morning, the stillness that once filled the air is now making way for the first stirrings of the early morning to bring on the day

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