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Sunday, June 24, 2007

When the day is long

When the day is long

When the day is long and it seems like it wants to go on forever you look around feverishly for something to take your mind off of the day

As the day wares on and grates on your mind you start to believe that there really isn’t rest for the weary and it makes the day feel longer

When you look at the clock and it seems like it isn’t moving and all you hear is the Tick-Tock or see the red lights taking turns blinking of the clock on the wall and feel as if all you want to do is give up

After what seems like an eternity you look at the clock and you realize that the day is finally over and your mind is now at ease and as you start to relax the days despair starts fading while happier thoughts start filling your head

When your day finally comes to an end you feel more wound up then when you were during the long afternoon and you decide to go somewhere to unwind and share the waning hours of the day with friends who like you needed to go somewhere to unwind after a day you though would never end

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