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Thursday, August 30, 2007

why is it

Why is it

Why is it that in times of great adversity that the best or the worst
In us will be brought out

Why is it that during disasters all we want to be is Superman but all we
End up doing is Hulk around while taking it all in

Why is it that we almost never see the short sightedness of our ways until
It is too late to stave off the short comings

Why is it that we have allowed ourselves to become complacent enough that
We just don’t care about the world beyond ourselves

Why is it that we have become a society that is so paranoid that we have become
Afraid of our own shadow and hide behind that fear

Why is it that we lose sight of our hopes and dreams as we get older

Why is it that we can never agree on anything when we try running our countries

Why is it that we have lost sight of the truths that we believe to be self evident to our
Way of life

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wonderful creative and with such feeling. A joy to read.

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