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Sunday, August 5, 2007

The early morning walk

The Early Morning Walk

As you walk in the early morning while you are watching the first light
Of dawn you almost start meandering while in the quiet reflection of
Days gone by

While looking out at the mountain tops you look at them like it was your first
Time seeing them and they mesmerize you almost into a trance from
The sheer beauty of them

As the sun slowly rises you can see its reflection on the homes scattered across
The mountainside and ponder how beautifully quiet it must be there

As the sun gives the first light of day you see the early morning mist that leaves
The dew drops on the leaves you feel when you rustle them and the grass
That you walk on

As you walk by and feel the dew on the leaves you start thinking that, that little
Bit felt great while you are taking in the cool refreshing feeling that those
Dew filled leaves gives you on your bare skin

You start reflecting on how much fun it was in those days gone by to be
Watching the sun come up when you had nothing else to do but relax and
Enjoy your free time

When you’re almost done with your early morning walk you can see the sun rise even
Higher allowing you to see the beauty of the mountainside with the homes
That dot them and you wish that you had that scene as your back yard

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