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Friday, August 10, 2007

in memorium to my Aunt Peggy 1947-2007

A Sense of Loss

As people come and go in our lives you find out who is important in your
Life and as they leave the ones who are important to you they leave a void that
Cannot be filled by memories of them

When the time comes to say good bye you find that you dread in the fact that you
Will not be with them again in this life and as you muster the strength to face the
Long good bye a feeling of emptiness ascends upon you making you want to hold them tight not
Wanting to let them go

After they are gone a sense of loss sets in with you wishing that it were raining to hide the
Tears in your eyes and all you want to do is find a dark corner to hide in to get away from the
Pain that you feel inside

As the realization sets in of them being gone you start to accept that they are not coming back and
As time goes by the pain may seem less intense yet all the while still feeling the sense of loss
From the void and the only real comfort comes in knowing that they are truly still will us as long as we can still feel the love and remember them and keep them in out hearts

In time we find out how important they were to us through the realization that we find that we
Can still feel them with us even years later just as strongly as if they were still with us standing
Beside us and are there to bring us home when we are called to be with them again

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