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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

a dark and stormy night

A Dark and Stormy Night

As the night becomes dark and stormy, you feel that you are lost from there being no light To guide you,
you pray that you find someone to walk beside you to hide you, to guide
you thru the night

As the despair sets in you can only hope that someone hears your soul calling
For that beacon of hope, that beacon of light for that someone who can reach out
And say there is no need to worry, I’ve got you

When the darkest hour approaches you find that there is a glimmer of hope riding atop a pure
White horse in full stride heading towards you looking like a shooting star in all of its
Splendor parting those dark and stormy clouds that have you so full of dread which now
Looks like a bright horizon with a double rain with you as the end of the rainbow

As he gets closer and closer it almost seems like he has the sun in tow in all of its brilliance to
Warm you up as if he knew that your dark and stormy night had given you a chill right
Down to the bone that you just could not get rid of

As he finally gets there you realize that he has come for you to be beside you in
Your time of need and when he finally reaches down to hold you, he says
I heard your soul calling and could not help but come to you to guide you home

1 comment:

Jessie said...

The first part of that poem is almost exactly a Hanson song.

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