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Friday, April 11, 2008

For Their Love

For Their Love

When you feel like you have been dragged through Hell and back again
You feel that you cannot do anything to prove that you will do
Anything and everything for the one you love even though you know that
They know different

You wish that you could show that you have what it takes to be the one to
Be there for them even if it means making a vow to show that you
Are willing to do what it takes to prove your love

As you pray to God to end the pain from the loneliness you feel you know that
The pain you feel is real because you care so much for them and it lets you know
That you must move on past the pain to show them that you are what they were
Dreaming of and that you have been there all along

You begin to show them that you will never stop dreaming of how it could be if
Only they listen to their heart instead of their head

As they start to come around you show them that you are more than willing
To lift them up out of the Hellish existence that has had them down for so long
And willing to show that it will never be a time that you will move on for
You are there to keep them safe and that you will do anything for their love

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