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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Memories through the window

Memories though the window

As you sit there safe and warm looking through the window that looks like a vale
You look out into the darkness remembering the fond memories that happened long
Ago and far away hoping that those days can come again

As the memories come into focus they seem to pirouette as if dancing just out of reach
And as you allow yourself to remember you find that they are able to give you a
Sense of happiness that you have long since forgotten

As the memories go by one by one you feel as if someone is there holding you
Comforting you hoping that they are ready to sweep you away to allow you to relive
Those memories and as the moment passes you almost feel a kiss that is like a loved one
Saying good bye yet saying I will always be with you


Julie Nygaard said... have made me cry.....beautiful - once again! :)

Sean said...

didn't intend on making anyone cry.

I must thank you for thinking it beautiful.

Julie Nygaard said...

Your poem really meant something to me - lots of emotion! :)

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