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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

why do we, how can we

Why do we, how can we

Why do we turn a blind eye when we see others in need

Why should we expect help in our time of need, when we turned a blind eye on
Those who could have helped us

How can we stand idle when we see the innocence taken from others

How can we be so shallow that we feel that our own personal plight is far more
Important than the plight of others

Why do we find it easier to kill each other over our beliefs rather than being respectful
And tolerant of the beliefs of others

How did we become a society that prefers finger pointing over our need to take responsibility For our own actions

How do we get past our differences when we cannot agree on anything

Why do we let people get to us in a negative way

Why is it that we hardly live up to our own standards and beliefs

Why is it that we can’t help each other and be friends

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We simply love our neighbor as ourselves.

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