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Friday, May 25, 2007

Renewed Faith

In this time of great turmoil and self indulgence,
We are shown images that are very biased to make it look like
we are losing ourselves and our, faith in others.

As time goes by the stories that go along with the images we see,
Are almost always stories that provoke a feeling of dread in our society,
That is unrelenting but for a few stories.

In today’s society our faith is constantly tested and re-tested in many ways.
Our faith is tested sometimes in ways that we do not understand until we
See the aftereffects of the test of faith.
When we are down on ourselves and faith is hard to come by,
It isn’t easy to see those things that could or would renew our faith.
It is also the one time that our faith shows what it teaches,
Humility to those who had none.

Faith is renewed in many ways, sometimes it’s as simple as a helping hand or
Seeing the unwavering faith that a child has in their parents and the parents faith
To do what they believe is right for their children.

Renewed faith for people who have religious beliefs, may come when they open their
Eyes and see others in their belief structure doing things that many others may
Not want to do to help others regardless of the deeds or beliefs of the person
That they are helping.

Sometimes renewed faith comes around holidays regardless of the individual’s beliefs
Country of origin or chosen nationality.

In the end renewed faith comes when we find the strength to stand up for what we
Believe in, regardless of the personal costs and then feeling satisfied knowing
That you made a difference that could benefit someone who needs help or needs their
Own faith renewed by someone who’s been there.

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