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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Freedoms eternal flame

Freedom is the ability to stand up for what you believe in no matter
What anyone else says or does to dissuade you.

Freedom is the right to live with dignity without being
Forced to live in fear of discourse.

Freedom almost never comes without a high price
That sometimes gets forgotten over time.

We cannot begin to fathom what some people have gone through to give
Or preserve the freedom in which we take for granted.

If we lose sight of our freedoms we lose sight of why we paid the price we did
And in doing so we turn our backs on the people who paid the
Ultimate price for our freedom.

If we turn our backs on our freedoms and those things that we hold
Sacred we lose who we are and who we hope to become.

Those of us who through a selfless act gave us gave us the freedoms we share,
Should be revered, remembered and shown that for the price they paid is the fuel
That fuels an eternal flame that we call freedom that can never be
Extinguished ever.

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