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Thursday, November 27, 2008

In This Time...

In This Time…

In this time of giving how can we turn a blind eye to those in need
As we give gifts to those we love as if we don’t see those in need

In this time for which we are suppose to show the world that we
Are better people than others may think

In this time how could we not help those of us that are in need
Where one day the tables could be turned on us

In this time how can we care for just of those for which we love
When we are taught to care for all as if they are our own

In this time we need to remember to thank those who have given
Everything that they are to help those who need the most help

In this time we need to live up to our beliefs and our principles
In ways that show others that we really do care for others

In this time we should honor those who have given of themselves
Without regard to their own needs and with out question

In this time we need to show those who are down that there is more
To life than what they have been shown

In this time of need we should stop to think of the fact that we could have
Been in the position of needing to ask for help despite ones desire to do
For oneself

In this time, at the end of the day as you start to ponder what the day
Has brought you, you find that you are asking yourself can I really
Live with myself if I am not there to help someone when the night comes

In this time, would you be willing to be there to help someone to pick up
The pieces of their shattered dream when they appear to be a lost soul

In this time, you ponder whether or not someone would be there for you after
Acting as if they were not there when the shoe was on the other foot

In this time of need and sacrifice we need to remember those who have sacrificed
The most and that have sacrifices it all to make this a better place for all of us
For with out their sacrifice we could not have become who we are today

In this time we need to remember that any donation however small helps
Whether it be a few cents, some gently used clothing or spending time
Just being there with someone who hasn’t the people to be with


Julie Nygaard said...

beautiful poem for this time of are not always in a package....we are so into the "material" aspect of the season...your poem is really heartfelt :)

Sean said...

thank you for the compliments you always give.

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