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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

until our paths cross again

Until our paths cross again

Even though this short period of time flew by so quickly it seems like
An eternity has passed since you left

As the days go by the pain lessens with time but it never really subsides
Even as the memories we hold so dear seem to fade into memories that appear
Long ago and far away that we try so hard to recall

While we learn to go on with out you in our lives we can never really forget
Your treasured friendship, your valued insight and your unwavering
Love that was always unending

Though you are gone we all look forward to the day that God has set aside for you
To be there to welcome us home and until that day we wish you the best of journeys
That will bring you back to us that day that our paths with cross again


Julie Nygaard said...

very moving....beautiful

Sean said...

Thank you

eyeBLOGyou said...

i felt like, all and every bit of my heart's content were all written down with words that perfectly describes how i feel.

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