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Sunday, March 9, 2008

at the beginning

At the Beginning

At the beginning love is a journey that you hope will
Be ever lasting and ever growing

At the beginning you think that the love cannot last

At the beginning you feel that love is and endless river
That cascades over you and allowing the feelings flow out
Of you as strongly as a river flows

At the beginning with the love of you life as you look at what you
Hope the love will become and you see a long and winding road that
You hope will never end

At the beginning you ask yourself what did I do to deserve the
Unconditional love that is being given to you

At the beginning the love you find gives you a renewed hope that
Gives you a new lease on life

At the beginning you find that you are standing next to someone that
You never expected to be with

At the beginning you realize that in the end you are on a remarkable
Journey that is as wondrous as you will ever have that will be the happiest
Time of your life
At the beginning when you were a stranger no one expected your heart
To be captured on the journey and find that the adventure called love is
Well worth the search

At the beginning as you realize that this is the one you find that this is the
One you want to grow old with and be with when the world ends


Julie Nygaard said...

Beautiful! The words flow with so much emotion!

Sean said...

thank you

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