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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

the lonely road

The lonely road

When you’re staring down the lonely road and you wish you had someone to run to you, you look around only to see an ocean of strangers on the same journey and you start feeling like you were meant to work alone in this world.

You then start asking your self “what am I doing here” as you realize that your words are almost lost in the flood of noise that is called life

As your journey unfolds you feel lost and confused as the loneliness sets in and you get a feeling
Of despair and of dread that feels like it will never end

While your story unfolds around you, you come upon others who on their journeys are allowing
You not to feel so alone as they come in and out of your life and you are relieved by the realization
That you really are not alone on your journey through this thing called life.

As you walk down the lonely road and see all of the broken dreams you take solace in knowing
That you are not as lonesome as it appears that you areas you have found that one person
Who has just been lost and alone as you and find that they are the one to fill the

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