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Friday, July 27, 2007



Firefighters are more than the people who come when we need them to protect us from fires

Firefighters are the people who we call our friends, our brothers, our sisters, our mothers and our fathers and the ones who make us proud to call them family knowing that they care enough about us and our communities to risk their very lives for us.

Firefighters are like angels in that they are there for us in our darkest of hours and deepest despair to lift us up when all we want to do is crawl into a little hole and disappear from the pain we feel inside.

Firefighters do more than protect our property from fires, they give us comfort in knowing that people still care and from that they renew our faith in others.

Firefighters show us what true courage really is when they run into burning buildings to save strangers from a most uncertain fate even when they feel helpless inside.

Firefighters are the everyday hero’s that are modest to fault and deserve the respect that they give to everyone but expect from no one.

Firefighters have huge hearts, hearts that show unconditional love, loyalty, friendship and generosity which cannot be contained, which shows through the hard work they do for they do for their communities and for the many charities they give so much for.

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