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Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Today is a day that we honor those who have honored our country or any country when the country has had need of them.

They served without regard to their own lives and during time of war they have served with distinction to keep what we hold dear in place for all to see.

Those who served in the Military regardless of whether it was in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines, deserve our recognition regardless of whether or not they feel they deserve such reverence.

Those who have earned our respect and we should show them that respect by being there for them when they need someone there even when they don't feel comfortable asking. 

We need to honor them by standing beside them and when needed stand there with their families when their families need comfort if the need should arise.

We have to show them that we still care by being there for them and showing them that what they have sacrificed for us actually means something.

We need to show our active duty military and our veterans that their sacrifices have helped us become who we are and that their actions can never be forgotten since they have helped to reinforce the foundations of our beliefs in our nation as a whole.

Our military and our veterans deserve to be saluted for their efforts and for the respect that they have shown.

At the end of the day as they try and relax we need to whisper in their ears good night the day is done we are here to watch over you.

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