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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A True Profile in Courage

A man who could have had and done anything his heart desired
has shown the world that regardless of where you come from you must
do what your heart feels and to stand up for what you believe in no matter
the personal cost
A man who has had to come some true adversities in his life with the untimely
deaths of the brothers for whom he had followed in the footsteps of has shown us
that there is more to life than just your own little bubble by showing us that
our little bubble affect everyone Else's little bubble for good or for bad
a man who has made it his life's work to help those who do not have the means
to help themselves has shown that that effort not only is it paid back, it is also paid
forward by those who were shown that someone does care
a man who has been through a lot, shows that you can never surrender and
in the eyes of some becomes invincible or becomes almost mythical
A man who has done all this still has the ability to stumble through his personal
life like anyone else around him, letting everyone know that he is still a person like
everyone else in this world
A man who fits all of this is a man who is a True Profile in Courage, who also leaves
a legacy for which there is no easy way to live up to for whom ever the torch gets
passed too and has the name of Senator Edward Kennedy
A man who has lived up to the name of his older brothers book Titled
"Profiles in Courage"

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