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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Waiting on a Cue

Waiting on a cue

As you stand there waiting on a cue never knowing the truth, your only regret
Is never knowing if the one dream that came true is the one thing that
You had to leave behind so you can move on even though a part of that dream
Stays with you

As the time goes by ever so slowly you realize that the person who made that one
Dream come true gave you a piece of them to you willingly due to needing
You there for them as much as you needed them and that is what keeps you going
As you are there pondering what you should do

And as you are standing on the edge of the precipice which overlooks what
Lays before you, you realize that even though you have a regret that you could
Not include that one person who made your dream come true, you still have
The memories of that friendship at the beginning of the next step in your life
To guide you and to give you comfort as you move along without the
Person that had given of himself which now allows you to be whom youMeant to be

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