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Saturday, October 4, 2008

For Grampy 1928-2008

As We Remember

As we say good bye we can’t help but look back and see that we were given
An angel in disguise who cared more than we can ever know

As he gets called home to watch over us, we feel an endless emptiness which
Causes us great sadness that subsides as a wave of happy memories rush over
Us letting us know that he is still here with us and trying to ease the pain
We feel inside

As we look back through the years we find that through it all he was there
Giving us love and protection, the direction that made us who we are today while
We realize that our world is a better place because of him

As we try to remember everything we can’t help but know that you were the strength
That kept us going through the good and the bad

As we remember, in the swirling of memories we remember that
He kept us safe and warm and those memories now dance in our minds
Even though they are from far away and long ago

As we go through our memories we find that we could not be who we
Were meant to be with out him and for that he was the one who taught
Us how to soar above the clouds

As the days turn into years you will forever be in our hearts, always guiding
Us without us even knowing that you are doing it

In the end we look back on the memories and find that we are blessed to
Have had you in our lives, a hero for whom we call dad, grampy, and granddad
That we will miss but will be waiting for us when we are called home to
Welcome us home

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