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Saturday, September 6, 2008

For my Uncle Jimmy 1966-2008

As We Say Goodbye

As we say goodbye as we must, it is still hard to say goodbye to what
We know, to what we knew we had

Though we look to tomorrow for brighter days, there is still this deep sense of
Loss, of a pain that feels like it just doesn’t want to end

In time only the good times that made us laugh will be there to remind us
Of how we were before you left

All though it is hard to let you go we will have the memories to bring us out of
The fog that fills our hearts and our minds

Even still you will remain in our hearts always and forever and though destiny
Called you home first it teaches us we have to be strong all though we will
Forever feel you over our shoulder watching over us

In the end we still find that you going home gives, us something to believe in by
Knowing that you will be there to bring us home when the time comes

Until that day comes we will in our darkest hours find that our memories of you
Act like an angel that keeps us safe and warm inside pulling us from the darkness
That could have engulfed us

Our pain is eased by knowing that you have been welcomed home by an angel who we
All know and love who had been called home to help guide us home when needed

1 comment:

Julie Nygaard said...

very moving....
I am sorry to hear of your loss....
take care

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