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Saturday, August 2, 2008

As time goes by

As time goes by

As the time goes by and you are feeling like you are old and gray
You can’t tell if there is anyone who still cares even as everyone shows
That they do still care

With each new day they show you that what you taught them is like the
Mighty tree that you planted and watched over as it grew into what
They are today due to you making sure they were well rooted in
Their lives

They can’t help but tell you that even though they didn’t show it when growing
Up they are proud of what you sacrificed for them by showing you the
Seeds that they have planted with it being their turn to watch things take
Root and it looks like a small but hardy flowering bush that will
Grow into a towering rose bush that has the most beautiful roses which
Bloom so beautifully in the spring and summer of what we call life

In the end when you have realized that everyone still cares it is like seeing
That illusive double rainbow that has the brilliantly vivid colors that
Seem to just wash over your very existence in every way and
Radiating an energy that allows you to feel the happiest that you have ever
Been while momentarily giving you a feeling of youthful vigor


Julie Nygaard said...

I feel like your poems tell a story - I so can relate to what you write!
Thank you once again!
Big hug!

Sean said...

thank you

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