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Friday, June 13, 2008

A Walk through the valley of the Shadow

A Walk through the valley of the Shadow

As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we learn who we have become
As we relive those times that never really seemed important to us we find that
We have some regrets when it comes to dealing with those we have loved but lost through
Not knowing what we had till it was too late to stop the hurt

We over time as the shadow grows learn that we cannot keep seeking those things that
Create situations that prevent us from being there for those who would need our help to
Get past the hurting inside caused by others who could not be bothered to care enough about
How the people they hurt really feel

As the tries to grow long to reach you, you find that you are not so blind to those who you
Could have hurt from striving for that something that you could not get even with stepping
On those who you thought were in your way but only wanted to show that there were
People there willing to care enough to want to help you reach for that thing you wanted so much

As the shadow of death comes to show you the mistakes you have made through not caring
You find that you are no longer afraid of him due to the voices and the visions from the past that
Have preceded him getting you to change how you feel about the people in your life that
You wish could make amends too that can only be done through paying their love forward

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