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Thursday, January 10, 2008

old man winters fun

As old man winter sets up ans shows you the worst he can give,
he makes you wish it would just end tomorrow even
though he has done his best to make all of his fury enchantingly
beautiful with the splendor of each snowflake floating
down looking like it is but a single solitary feather falling on
a beautifully calm windless day
as the enchanting beauty fades with the last snowflake falling
you go to do your daily errands and you find that old
man winter is now laughing at you for admiring his attempt at
creating a false sense of calm at the height of winter by
now letting loose the west winds that are the coldest of the
winds that he has to play with
He does it so well that long after you have gone home
to sit by the warmest of fires you still have a chill
a chill that goes right to the bone giving you a chill right
up your back making you shiver as if you were cold
As January roles around old man winter shows you how
much he likes to play games by making you think that
he has decided to lighten up by giving you a couple
days of warm weather that allows you to come out of that
little funk that you had been in only to hit you
even worse than he had before that by giving you
a little storm that he likes to call a blizzard


Julie Nygaard said...

"cool" poem - makes me want to grab my fleece blanket.....brrrrrrrrrrr..

Anonymous said...

Great poem, Sean!

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