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Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragedy in our Darkest days

Tragedy in our Darkest days

In the darkest of days we find ourselves in what we think is an overwhelming sense of being helpless and of being full of hopelessness.

When we feel lost from the trying days that are among the darkest we don’t always see the angels around us and in turn the angels will make themselves known to us when we need them the most.

Through the tragedy, we just want to lose ourselves but those who we need the most will be guided to us by the angels that are watching over us in our time of need so we can find ourselves.

As the darkest of days wears on and we press on in the hopes for a brighter day, we can’t help but want to give up at times, but we don’t due to the angels whispering in our ears you can make it, you’ve got us angels to help you, to guide you and to show you that there is a brighter day out there.

As we question ourselves and our beliefs, those we have lost in our darkest of days through tragedy, come to us at our darkest moments to let us know that they are there watching over us by whispering in our ears saying I am here to comfort you the way you always comforted me and by giving you a kiss on the cheek when needed to show that they still feel the love you have for them and the hands on the shoulders you need the touch of a loved one saying I’ve got your back.

Through the tragedy we find solace in the words and actions of those around us that do the work of the angels who sent them while those angels lift our thoughts and our prayers up to God as he welcomes home those that we have lost to tragedy so that they will be ready to show us that they never really left us while waiting for us to come home to Heaven so we can be reunited someday.

As we feel those that we have lost, we also hear them say we will be together again someday and I am in the arms of an angel who will guide me home so I can watch over you as you have watched over me. 

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